Tips for Creating a Home Office Space

If you have the luxury of having a spare room, loft, shed or basement to set up an office in, then that will make things much easier, if not, you just need to get a little more creative. Sometimes you just have to use a living space as a multi-purpose room or carve out a small area, somewhere, to make room for your office space. This can be done with some strategically placed screens, plants, curtains or cupboards.

Top Tips:

1. Invest in a good chair
2. Have things around you that you love to look at
3. Have a plant nearby, as they are calming and provide fresh oxygen
4. If possible, have a comfy spot to relax in, have a cuppa or take phone calls
5. Reduce clutter, clutter makes you feel uneasy and anxious
6. Have good lighting, natural light is best
7. Be practical about office accessories and ensure they are fit for purpose